Group Chats

GY Messages allows users to create and manipulate Group Chats based on their roles within that specific chat.

Users can create new chats, meaning they will be the administrator of them instantly. This role segregation determines the behavior of our Group Chats by setting up some constraints. For example, Group Chats must always have at least one administrator user, therefore, there could be more than one.

Privileges of administrators

  • Invite new members.

  • Remove messages.

  • Kick members (if they are not administrators too).

  • Remove the whole chat.

What happens when an administrator leaves any Group Chat?

The join date would be the main factor to consider here after the administrator role. As Group Chats admit more than one administrator, if some of them leave, nothing will happen.

But, as Group Chats must have at least one administrator user, the earliest member of the chat to join will be automatically promoted to administrator.

Last updated